A Simple Guide to The Prophet’s Prayer


This concise booklet precisely describes the Prophets Prayer with an additional chapter that explains some details regarding prayer times, conditions of the Prayer, how to perform ablution (wudu) the virtues of the prayer, and the dangers of abandoning it.

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All praise is due to Allāh, Lord of all creation. May Allāh extol the mention of the Prophet in the highest company of Angels and may the peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him, his family, his Companions and all those who follow him correctly till the Day of Judgement.

The Prayer (Ṣalāh) is an act of submission and obedience before Allāh. The Muslims are expected to pray just as the Prophet (H) prayed, and in doing so they follow his example. Each of the five daily Prayers comprises a fixed number of rakʿahs (or units) that consist of a sequence of movements and sayings. So, the dawn Prayer (Fajr) has two rakʿahs, the early afternoon Prayer (Ẓuhr) has four rakʿahs, the mid-afternoon Prayer (ʿAṣr) has four rakʿahs, the sunset Prayer (Maghrib) has three rakʿahs and the late evening Prayer (ʿIshā) has four rakʿahs. Every Muslim is obligated to know when to pray and how to perform the Prayer. This book aims to explain in simple terms how the Prophet (H) prayed, step-by-step. The added chapter at the end of this book explains some details regarding Prayer times, conditions of the Prayer, how to perform ablution (wudū), the virtues of the Prayer and the danger of abandoning it.

The author of this book, Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid, has made it available for free on this website:  https://www.abukhadeejah.com/prophets-prayer-beginners-illustrations/

Here is the link to the eBook and the mobile device version → Simple Supplications & Umrah Guide



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