• Explanation of the Hadith of Jibril About the Teachings of Islam 2nd Edition

    $17.00 Add to cart
  • Selected Gems On the Virtue of Knowledge and Its People And the Mannerisms Which Are Incumbent Upon the Seeker of Knowledge

    $8.00 Add to cart
  • My Sincere Advice to Women (Hardcover)

    $40.00 Add to cart
  • My Arabic Number Book

    $8.00 Add to cart
  • Sincerity, Repentance, and Patience: An Essential Collection of Authentic Hadeeth Narrations for Regular Study and Review

    $20.00 Add to cart

    NOT for unassisted self-study, this is the official workbook for the weekly class at al-Masjid al-Awwal (live in Pittsburgh or online from anywhere). This is literally a $20 ticket to over TWO YEARS of weekly classes, in shaa’ Allah, thoroughly engaging and packed with solid academic benefit and touching reminders! Classes are taught live from this workbook, broadcast worldwide. No registration is required. No fees. Simply get the workbook and follow along from wherever you are. All previous lessons, high-quality and professionally mastered, are available on 1MM’s (free) Spreaker Channel here:

  • Tawheed for Children

    $20.00 Add to cart
  • Explanation of the Conditions, Pillars & Obligations of the Prayer

    $18.00 Add to cart
  • Secret Society (Freemasons, Illuminati and Missionaries)

    $18.00 Add to cart
  • Explanation of Important Lessons for Every Muslim (Hardcover)

    $35.00 Add to cart
  • Aspects of the Days of Ignorance: Workbook

    $20.00 Add to cart

    NOT for independent self-study, this workbook is your companion for the upcoming Winter Seminar at the Germantown Masjid in Philadelphia, Dec.25-29, 2019, in shaa’ Allah.

    The book, Masaa’il al-Jaahiliyyah, is a unique and powerfully insightful work warning against the worst traits of the days of ignorance, authored by one of the most knowledgeable and authoritative scholars of the past few centuries, Shaykh al-Islam Muhammad ibn ‘Abdil-Wahhaab at-Tameemee (may Allah have Mercy on him).

    Shaykh Saalih ibn ‘Abdil-‘Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh (may Allah preserve him) said, “These are tremendous points which, no doubt, we are in need of in every time, and especially in this time. Reviewing them and reminding the people about them is a necessity.”

  • Legislated Solutions Which Address Common Doubts

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    Allaah sent him before the final hour as a bearer of glad tidings and as a warner: giving glad tidings of Paradise to the who fears Allaah, the Majestic and Exalted, and follows the Messenger; and as a warner and to bring fear of the punishment of Allaah and the fire for he who opposes the command of Allaah, the Majestic and Exalted, and disobeys the Messenger.

    And I ask that Allaah makes everyone from those whom He has favoured with an infiltrative insight in solving doubts, and with beneficial knowledge that gives life to and aids
    the hearts.

    And Allaah has made the revelation in the Qur’aan like the example of water, because with it is life for the hearts and with it is true insight into achieving solutions for doubts and their appearance.

  • Drugs & Their Effect on the Mind

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    From its harms is that the addict is a burden upon the society. He does not bring any good to his society nor is he successful in that which he brings forth.

    From its harms is that the addict is despised and hated, even by the closest of people to him.

    From its harms are the squandering of wealth and the inability to make noble earnings. So he resorts to earning wealth by way of criminal means. I seek Allaah’s refuge for me and for you.

    From its harms is deterioration of one’s health and the contraction of incurable diseases, leading the person to death.

    From its harms is the loss of dignity and inclining towards the wicked, from men or women.

    From its harms is the shortening of life due to what it causes the destruction of the bodily organs and due to what it exposes the person to from grief and stress.

  • The Fiqh Of Fasting the Month of Ramadān Workbook

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    The text of this treatise is a translation of “The Book Of Fasting” from the book “al-Fiqh al-Muyassar.”

    Shaykh Ṣāliḥ Āl al-Shaykh said about this book in his introduction:

    “This book comprises of Fiqh rulings pertaining to the acts of worship and dealings, along with their evidences from the noble Book and the authentic Prophetic Sunnah.”

    He also stated:

    “Its wording is clear and its style is simple, so that the students of knowledge can benefit from it and other than them from the general Muslims.

    The precision of its categorization and the ease in benefiting from its subject matter, and this is achieved through the headings, which indicate the content and aid to understand it.”

    These are some of the reasons we decided to translate this book for the English reader, may Allāh allow us and you to benefit from it.

    We have added some questions at the end of each chapter to enable the student to test their understanding.


  • Important Guidance for the Youth of the Ummah

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    There is no doubt that the youth of the Ummah are the foundations of the human building upon which is established this nation. So the youth are the younger generation that will carry the responsibility after their fathers. The youth have within them bodily strength and thinking, they have talents, kills and aptitude that are new and modern that are not present in older people.

  • A Treatise in Condemnation of The Hardness of the Heart

    $10.00 Add to cart
  • Issues The Muslim Woman Should Concern Herself With

    $14.00 Add to cart