• Authentic Dream Interpretations

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    Authentic Dream Interpretations is a collection of reliable dream analyses based upon the Qur’ān and Sunnah, compiled from the works of Ibn al-Qayyim and Al-Baghawī; explained by Shaykh ‘Abdullāh ibn Jāru Allāh.

  • A Letter to the Incarcerated Muslim

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    If a sick person went to the doctor for treatment and was advised to avoid certain delicious foods to preserve his health, he would believe the doctor and comply with the doctor’s orders.

  • The Description of the Prophets Prayer

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  • Majmu’ al-Fatawa Ibn Taymiyyah Regarding Life After Death And Affairs Of The Unseen

    $16.00 Add to cart
  • The Advice of Prophet Yahya Ibn Zakariya

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    Prophet Yahya, peace be upon him, gathered the Children of Israel in Jerusalem; until they filled the masjid to capacity, sitting upon its balconies. He addressed them, saying, “Indeed Allah has commanded me with five commandments to implement, and He instructed me to command you to implement them as well.”

  • The Story Of A Priest Who Embraced Islam

    $6.00 Add to cart
  • A Treatise Regarding The Divine Decree And Foreordainment

    $5.00 Add to cart
  • Treasures from The Noble Quran Tafsir of Select Verses from the Mighty Book

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  • The Prophet and His Ten Companions

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    Al-Hafidh Abdul-Ghani Al-Maqdisi | Authentic Statements
    The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and His Ten Companions (May Allah be pleased with them) by Al-Hafidh Abdul-Ghani Al-Maqdisi (600 AH) Explained by Shaykh Muḥammad bin ‘Abdul-Wahhaab al-‘Aqil. It is unfortunate that there are young Muslims who have been raised by Muslim parents but have not read the biography of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) even one time, while they have heard the names of hundreds of disbelievers and other Muslim personalities.

  • The Innate Rights according to Islamic Laws

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    Verily from the beauty of Allah’s ‎legislation is that justice is established, and everything is ‎given its rights, without excessiveness or neglect. For indeed ‎Allah has ordered that there be justice, kindness, and ‎assisting of the relatives. Due to justice, the messengers were ‎sent, the books were revealed, and the affairs of the worldly ‎life and hereafter were established. Justice is giving ‎everything its right and putting everything in its proper ‎place, and this will not be accomplished except by knowing ‎the rights so that they will be observed.

  • The Grave Its Torment and Its Pleasure

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    It is related that Abu Hurairah said: “We were walking with the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) when we passed two graves. Then he stood still and we stood with him. His color started to change and he rolled up his sleeves, so we said: ‘What’s the matter, oh Prophet of Allah?’, he said: ‘Don’t you hear what I’m hearing?’ We said: ‘What is it, oh Prophet of Allah?’ He said: ‘These two men are being severely punished in their graves for a relatively minor sin.” We said: ‘For what are they punished, oh Prophet of Allah?’ He said: ‘One of them never used to clean urine from himself, and the other used to harm the people by his speech and walk amongst the people carrying tales.’ So he called for two palm stalks and he put one into each grave. We said: ‘Will this benefit them oh Messenger of Allah?’ He replied: ‘Yes, it will lighten their punishment for as long as it remains moist.'” Reported by Abu Hatim (3/106) in “Al-Ihsan”. And Sheikh Muqbil declared it as “good” in “Al-Jami’ As-Sahih mimma laisa fi As-Sahihain” (2/278-279).

  • The Day of Judgement & Preparing for The Hereafter

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    The Day of Judgement & Preparing for The Hereafter

  • Legislated Solutions Which Address Common Doubts

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    Allaah sent him before the final hour as a bearer of glad tidings and as a warner: giving glad tidings of Paradise to the who fears Allaah, the Majestic and Exalted, and follows the Messenger; and as a warner and to bring fear of the punishment of Allaah and the fire for he who opposes the command of Allaah, the Majestic and Exalted, and disobeys the Messenger.

    And I ask that Allaah makes everyone from those whom He has favoured with an infiltrative insight in solving doubts, and with beneficial knowledge that gives life to and aids
    the hearts.

    And Allaah has made the revelation in the Qur’aan like the example of water, because with it is life for the hearts and with it is true insight into achieving solutions for doubts and their appearance.

  • Explanation of The Six Events from the Prophetic Sirah

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    What is intended by the term seerah is the history of the Messenger (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and this is the path that the Messenger (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to traverse upon from the time he was dispatched (as a Prophet) until Allah caused him to die.

  • Drugs & Their Effect on the Mind

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    From its harms is that the addict is a burden upon the society. He does not bring any good to his society nor is he successful in that which he brings forth.

    From its harms is that the addict is despised and hated, even by the closest of people to him.

    From its harms are the squandering of wealth and the inability to make noble earnings. So he resorts to earning wealth by way of criminal means. I seek Allaah’s refuge for me and for you.

    From its harms is deterioration of one’s health and the contraction of incurable diseases, leading the person to death.

    From its harms is the loss of dignity and inclining towards the wicked, from men or women.

    From its harms is the shortening of life due to what it causes the destruction of the bodily organs and due to what it exposes the person to from grief and stress.

  • Questions & Answers on Fasting Ramadan

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    Questions & Answers on Fasting Ramadan by Shaykh Muqbil Ibn Hadi Al-Waadi’ee.

    The fact that Ramadan is a blessed month in which Muslims far and wide are in need of any and every form of encouragement that will allow them to seek nearness to their Lord by correctly fasting and standing in this month, The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said ’_’_’�’__´è_Whoever fasts Ramadan with faith and seeking a reward, his previous sins will be forgiven.’_’_’�Š—”´è_