Majmu’ al-Fatawa Ibn Taymiyyah Regarding Life After Death And Affairs Of The Unseen
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It is related that Abu Hurairah said: “We were walking with the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) when we passed two graves. Then he stood still and we stood with him. His color started to change and he rolled up his sleeves, so we said: ‘What’s the matter, oh Prophet of Allah?’, he said: ‘Don’t you hear what I’m hearing?’ We said: ‘What is it, oh Prophet of Allah?’ He said: ‘These two men are being severely punished in their graves for a relatively minor sin.” We said: ‘For what are they punished, oh Prophet of Allah?’ He said: ‘One of them never used to clean urine from himself, and the other used to harm the people by his speech and walk amongst the people carrying tales.’ So he called for two palm stalks and he put one into each grave. We said: ‘Will this benefit them oh Messenger of Allah?’ He replied: ‘Yes, it will lighten their punishment for as long as it remains moist.'” Reported by Abu Hatim (3/106) in “Al-Ihsan”. And Sheikh Muqbil declared it as “good” in “Al-Jami’ As-Sahih mimma laisa fi As-Sahihain” (2/278-279).
The Day of Judgement & Preparing for The Hereafter
This is an explanation of the methodology that was followed by the earliest Muslims: how they understood and implemented their Religion. It is Islam the way Allaah intended for it to be practiced. The noble Shaykh, Muhammad Baazmool also discusses how the Salafi Methodology is truly the moderate way of practicing Islam, free from the extremism of terrorists and the like.
This is a book that was written concerning the Salafi methodology, its definition, distinct characteristics and its call towards rectification. I have compiled it to include three primary objectives and a conclusion.
The First Objective: The definition of the Salafi Methodology, its principles, the ruling concerning adhering to it and the mention of its virtue.
The Second Objective: The distinguishing characteristics of the Salafi methodology.
The Third Objective: The way to achieve rectification according to the people of the Sunnah and the Jama’ah.
The Conclusion: Words of some of the imams pertaining to adhering to the sunnah and learning the religion.
Taken from Sheikh Muhammad Bazmul’s introduction
The book that lies in front of you – dear reader – is a concise expression of sound ’Aqeedah from one of its earliest sources. Sharhus-Sunnah was penned by the Noble Imaam Ismaaeel Ibn Yahyaa al-Muzanee (d.264H) – the student of Imaam ash-Shaafi’ee (d.204H) – over a millenium ago. In this return to the earliest sources of Islaam, the Imaam covers all of the foundational issues of faith in Islaam including, Allaah’s ascendancy over the creation, the Qadr (pre-decree), Eem&aan, the Qur‘aan, the Attributes of Allaah, the Resurrection, Seeing Allaah in the Hereafter, the Companions and much more.
The ancient text has been explained by the former Muftee of the Jeezaaan province in Saudi Arabia, al-’Allaamah Ahmad Ibn Yahyaa an-Najmee (d.1429H). The commentary is included to make this work comprehensible and clear to the average Muslim reader. Additional notes have been added from various printings of Sharhus-Sunnah to provide a comprehensive and historical context to the benefits contained herein. So we hope – as Imaam al-Muzanee hoped – that this book will, “clarify to you from the Sunnah an affair that you may make yourself patient in adherence to it and avert thereby the doubtful sayings and the deviation in the newly-invented affairs of the misguided ones.”