Allaah sent him before the final hour as a bearer of glad tidings and as a warner: giving glad tidings of Paradise to the who fears Allaah, the Majestic and Exalted, and follows the Messenger; and as a warner and to bring fear of the punishment of Allaah and the fire for he who opposes the command of Allaah, the Majestic and Exalted, and disobeys the Messenger.
And I ask that Allaah makes everyone from those whom He has favoured with an infiltrative insight in solving doubts, and with beneficial knowledge that gives life to and aids
the hearts.And Allaah has made the revelation in the Qur’aan like the example of water, because with it is life for the hearts and with it is true insight into achieving solutions for doubts and their appearance.
“Generation after generation was destroyed by wars because a man would seek the aid of his tribe, even if he was upon falsehood and the likes of that from trivial causes and despicable motives.
So Islam came to erase all of these loathsome outward practices in their lives when it made them equal with regards to the rights, and it made their slogans of allegiance to, “al-Islam”. And Islam made them excel over one another due to taqwa (righteousness) and obedience to Allah. So there is no excellence for an Arab over a non-Arab, nor is there any excellence for a non-Arab over an Arab, nor for a white person over a black one, nor for a black person over a white one, except due to taqwa.”
– From the introduction of Shaykh ‘Abd al-Salam Ibn Burjis