The Rights and Obligations upon Men and Women in Islam
This new publication from the Shaykh Rabee’ Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee (May Allah preserve him upon good), is an extraordinarily beneficial book. The Shaykh deals with the issue of the rights of men and women based on a seminar that was held by some women in Jeddah, Saudi ‘Arabia who claimed their rights were withheld. This publication is a refutation upon those who make this claim, as well as a description of the rights given to men and women in Islam, the loftiness of women’s rights in Islam over that of those in the West, and the women of other religions such as Christianity, Judaism, and Hinduism.
Verily in the author are gathered some praiseworthy traits: these include abstaining from worldly pleasures, exemplary character, spreading beneficial knowledge, and not wasting her time. She spends her time by herself in the women?s library, substitute teaching for Umm ?Abdillaah Al-Waadi?iyyah when she is absent, and effective lecturing.
Verily, the Islaamic community is in great need of righteous women who can care for their Muslim sisters so that the corrupted and corrupting callers do not lead them astray. The wives of the Prophet (Õóáøóì Çááøóåõ Úóáóíúåö æó Óóáøóãó) as well as the female companions played a major role in spreading the prophetic traditions.
Shaykh Dr. ʻAbdullāh al-Tayyār examines various medical and Sharia opinions related to infectious and genetic diseases, and their effect upon marriage, fertility, and children.
This children book on Tawheed is comprehensive even though it’s made up of few pages.It defined tawheed, talked about the 3 aspects of tawheedbacking everything up with evidences from Al-Qur’aan. it also has the story of Prophet Ibrahim [Peace Be Upon Him], Surat al-Ikhlas and the hadith of Muadh ibn Jabal [May Allah be please with him} on the right of Allah on His servant and the right of the created on his Creator. For every young muslim home this is an invaluable addition to the library and better still the kids can be made to memorize this invaluable book at the early phase of a child’s life because it’s all about the Oneness of Allah [the Exalted One].