Ibn Taymiyyah said,
“Allah has made for his believing servants – in every situation [they encounter] – goodness from Himself. For they are constantly in [receipt of] bounty from their Lord irrespective of whether they encounter what they love or what they dislike. And He made His ordainments and decrees which He ordains for them and decrees upon them as merchandise through which they may profit and as paths through which they may reach Him.”
He also said “And when the servant considers all of faith, he will see it returning back in its entirety to patience and gratitude.”
The foundations of the way of the Salaf in da’wah are calling to the Tawhid of Allaah, adherence to the Sunnah of His Messenger, peace be upon him, and warning against everything which opposes them of innovation and misguidance.
It is inevitable that the follower of their way will face enmity, harm, and oppression to the extent of this determination in that call, and such harm, though it is for religious reasons, can extend to worldly matters too.
Therefore, it is vital that the person of Sunnah learns, patience, for alongside gratefulness (shukr), it is one half of the entire religion. This treatise will go a long way in aiding the servant upon this endeavor in a very practical way.
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