Criticism Is a Legislative Methodology


44 in stock

Criticism Is a Legislative Methodology

Before the reader is a book by the esteemed scholar of Islam, Al-ĘżAllamah Rabi’ b. Hadi Al-Madkhali, addressing the critical role of criticism in Islam and its importance in preserving the Qur’an and the Prophetic Sunnah.

The Shaykh explains how critique, grounded in Islamic teachings, has been essential in safeguarding the authenticity of our sacred texts.

He distinguishes between legislative criticism and mere revilement, drawing on the works of renowned scholars such as Al-Hafiz Ibn Rajab al-Ḥanbali and Al-Ḥafiz Al-Nawawi.

By highlighting numerous examples from the Qur’an and Sunnah, he underscores that critique and correction are integral principles of Islam.

This treatise offers valuable insights into the significance of criticism in maintaining the purity of the Islamic tradition.


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