Etiquettes Of Walking To The Prayer


It is the Sunnah to go to the prayer in a state of purification and humility. This is based upon his statement (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam):
“When one of you performs wudū’ and does it well, then goes out heading to the Masjid, let him not interlace his fingers, for he is in a state of prayer.”

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It is the Sunnah to go to the prayer in a state of purification and humility. This is based upon his statement (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam):
“When one of you performs wudū’ and does it well, then goes out heading to the Masjid, let him not interlace his fingers, for he is in a state of prayer.”

And he should say when leaving his home, even if he leaves for other than the prayer:

“In the Name of Allāh, I believe in Allāh, I seek refuge in Allāh, I put my trust in Allāh, and there is no might or power except with Allāh. ‘O Allāh, I take refuge with You lest I should stray or be led astray, or slip or be tripped, or oppress or be oppressed, or behave foolishly or be treated foolishly.”


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