Explanation of the Madinah University Arabic Language Course for Non-Native Speakers: Book 2


This is the explanation of the first book of the world renowned Madinah Arabic Course series, originally authored by Dr. V Abdur Rahim, and taught in the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia.  Highly recommended for anyone studying the Madinah Book course and desiring to grasp the principles of the Arabic language.

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This book is number two in the series of the explanation of the world-renowned Madinah Arabic Course, which was devised by Dr. V Abdur Rahim and originally taught in the Islamic University of al-Madinah, in Madinah, Saudi Arabia. The explanation of Madinah Arabic Course, level two, builds upon what was taught in Madinah Arabic Course, level one, and expands on key concepts of the science of al-Nahw.

Similar to the explanation of Madinah Book 1, the author, Shaykh Ḥussain ibn Aḥmad ibn ‘Abdullāh Āl ‘Alī explains the principles of al-Nahw in a simple manner which can be grasped by everyone, Allah willing. Ultimately, this is another essential explanation for any Arabic student desiring to grasp proper understanding of the Arabic language, and to gain proper understanding of the Qur’an and Sunnah.


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