Fundamentals of the Salafee Methodology – An Islamic Manual for Reform


Imam Muhammad Nasirud-Din Al-Albani

Stated Imaam Muhammad Naasirud Deen al-Albaanee, “It is inevitable that we must begin with at tafsiyah wat tarbiyah (purification and education). So any movement that has not been established upon this foundation, then there is no benefit in it at all. So in order to prove the soundness of the view that we have adopted concerning this manhaj, we return back to the Noble Book of Allaah…

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Imam Muhammad Nasirud-Din Al-Albani

Stated Imaam Muhammad Naasirud Deen al-Albaanee, “It is inevitable that we must begin with at tafsiyah wat tarbiyah (purification and education). So any movement that has not been established upon this foundation, then there is no benefit in it at all. So in order to prove the soundness of the view that we have adopted concerning this manhaj, we return back to the Noble Book of Allaah… How can we enter into Jihaad when our ‘aqeedah is divided and destroyed? How can we perform Jihaad when our a (character) goes together with corruption Therefore, it is inevitable that the rectification of the ‘aqeedah and the education of the individual must take place before beginning the Jihaad. I know that the affair shall not remain safe from opposition to our manhaj of at-tafsiyah wat tarbiyah. So there shall emerge one who will say, “The establishment of at-tafsiyah wat tarbiyah is an affair that requires many long years!’ However, I say: This is not what is important with regard to the affair. Rather, the important thing is that we must carry out what our Religion and our Magnificent Lord has commanded us with.”


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