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The Three Fundamental Principles & Their Evidences: Workbook


NOT for independent self-study, this workbook is your study guide for the summer seminar at Masjid as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah in Germantown, Philadelphia (USA) this year (2019).

The workbook includes the Arabic text of Thathaatul-Usool wa Adillatuhaa (The Three Fundamental Principles and Their Evidences), translated into English, and spread out over 92 points.

The full text of the translation, as well as the complete original Arabic text (both vowelled and unvowelled) are also included as appendixes, as well as a chain of transmission and a manuscript of the text.

This allows beginner students to begin reading a basic text, vowelled for beginners, and continue their studies all the way to proficiency in reading Arabic manuscripts! A unique learning opportunity awaits you this summer, in shaa’ Allah.

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NOT for independent self-study, this workbook is your study guide for the summer seminar at Masjid as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah in Germantown, Philadelphia (USA) this year (2019).

The workbook includes the Arabic text of Thathaatul-Usool wa Adillatuhaa (The Three Fundamental Principles and Their Evidences), translated into English, and spread out over 92 points.

The full text of the translation, as well as the complete original Arabic text (both vowelled and unvowelled) are also included as appendixes, as well as a chain of transmission and a manuscript of the text.

This allows beginner students to begin reading a basic text, vowelled for beginners, and continue their studies all the way to proficiency in reading Arabic manuscripts! A unique learning opportunity awaits you this summer, in shaa’ Allah.

1: An Introduction to the Text and its Author

2: Four Essential Matters We Must learn

3: One Short Soorah as Comprehensive Proof

4: Knowledge Precedes Statements and Actions

5: The Purpose of Mankind’s Creation

6: Messengers Must be Obeyed: The Proof

7: Allah is not Pleased with Shirk

8: The Absolute Prohibition of Shirk

9: Religious Loyalty Must be for Allah’s Sake Alone

10: True Believers and Their Religious Loyalty

11: The Religion of Ibraaheem: Islamic Monotheism

12: Allah Created Mankind to Worship Him

13: The Greatest of All Obligations

14: The Most Severely Forbidden Sin

15: A Specific Order and a Broad Prohibition

16: What are the Three Fundamental Principles?

17: The First of the Three Fundamental Principles

18: The One True Lord, Creator, and Sustainer

19: How a Worshipper Knows about his lord

20: Among the Greatest of Allah’s Signs

21: The Creation and the Command Belong to Allah

22: The Lord and Creator Alone Deserves Worship

23: The Three Levels: Islam, Eemaan, and Ihsaan

24: All Acts of Worship are Due to Allah Alone

25: Places of Prostration are for Allah Alone

26: Directing Worship to Other than Allah

27: Calling Upon False Deities is Disbelief

28: Supplication is the Core of Worship

29: Allah Refers to Supplication as Worship

30: Fearing Allah Alone is a Form of Worship

31: The Worship of Hope and Aspiration

32: The Worship of Trust and Reliance

33: Hope and Fearful Awe are Forms of Worship

34: Knowledge-based Fear is a Form of Worship

35: Repentance is a Form of Worship

36: Seeking Help as a Form of Worship

37: Seeking Allah’s Help in All Affairs

38: Seeking Refuge as a Form of Worship

39: Seeking Relief as a Form of Worship

40: Slaughtering Sacrificial Animals is Worship

41: Sacrificing Animals to Other than Allah

42: Taking a Vow is a Form of Worship

43: The Second of the Three Fundamental Principles

44: The Three Levels of the Religion

45: The Five Pillars of Islam

46: Allah Himself Testifies to His Oneness

47: The Meaning of the Testimony of Tawheed

48: A Fine Example of Implementation of Tawheed

49: Another Quranic Explanation of Tawheed

50: Testifying to the Messengership of Muhammad

51: The Meaning of the Testimony to His Messengership

52: The Upright Religion of Towheed, Prayer, & Zakaat

53: Fasting is an Act of Worship

54: Hajj (Pilgrimage): An Act of Worship

55: THe Second Level of the Religion: Eemaan

56: The Six Pillars of Eemaan (Faith)

57: Five Pillars of Eemaan in a Quranic Verse

58: Belief in Qadar, the Sixth Pillar of Eemaan

59: The One Singular Pillar of Ihsaan

60: Allah is with the People of Ihsaan

61: The All-Seeing, All-Hearing, All-Knowing

62: Allah Witnesses Whatever We Do, Always

63: The HAdeeth of Jibreel (Part One)

64: The HAdeeth of Jibreel (Part Two)

65: The HAdeeth of Jibreel (Part Three)

66: The HAdeeth of Jibreel (Part Four)

67: The HAdeeth of Jibreel (Part Five)

68: The HAdeeth of Jibreel (Part Six)

69: The HAdeeth of Jibreel (Part Seven)

70: THE Lineage of the Prophet Muhammad

71: 23 Years as a Prophet and Messenger

72: The Opening Verses of Soorah al-Muddath-thir

73: The Makkah Years prior to Hijrah

74: Hijrah (Emigration) is a religious obligation



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