The Mufti Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azīz Āl ash-Shaykh:
Causing corruption in the land by way of highway robbery, terrorizing the people, bombings, explosions, or hijacking planes, ships, and trains are from the major sins. The recompense for one who commits this crime is that he is either executed, imprisoned, or his limbs are cut off on opposite sides. Then, a more severe punishment will come from Allāh on the Day of judgment.
Islam in Africa Throughout History
by Shaykh Muhammad Amaan Al-JaamiBrought to us by the Ethiopian scholar Shaykh Muḥammad Amān al-Jāmi, Islām in Africa Throughout History chronicles three significant phases of Islām in Africa which helped shape the world.
The Correct Creed al-Minhaj Magazine Volume 1 Issue 3
Feature Article:
- Ruling pertaining to Maintaining the Wife
The Ummah of Islam is in dire need of being in agreement and uniting its ranks and mending its rifts and being far removed from bigoted partisanship and hurting one another with words and accusing the intentions, as long as all sides are under the umbrella of Ahl us Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah who traverse upon the way of the Salaf of the Ummah, the people of the virtuous generations, they follow the Sunnah and they do not innovate.
This is a translation of Shaykh Aḥmad al-Najmī’s explanation of al-Qāṣīdah al-Lāmīyah, which is ascribed to Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymīyah. It comprises of only 16 verses of poetry, clarifying a number of core beliefs of Ahl al-Sunnah Wa al-Jamāʿah.